6 Home Repairs You Shouldn’t Do Yourself


Do you prefer doing home improvement work on your own? If so, you’re not alone. DIYers and homeowners who prefer handling handyman tasks are all over the place!

While the reasons for doing these jobs differ, many people do their own home repairs to save money, while others just enjoy the work.

Unfortunately, DIY home improvement can be dangerous, and it’s easy to get in over your head. Minor tasks like painting, flooring and altering light fixtures are simple enough, but some projects are best left to the experts. Here are six top repairs you shouldn’t do yourself. 

1. Roof Leak Repair 

Although it sounds simple, fixing a roof is complicated and expensive. While the average Joe will solve this issue by trying to seal or patch up leaks, seasoned contractors will likely take a more in-depth approach. As such, it’s smart to call in professionals any time you need work performed on your roof.  

2. Major Concrete Work 

While adding some tiles or a sidewalk is simple enough, major concrete construction should always be handled by the professionals. Concrete is expensive, so hiring someone to redo the work you’ve messed up can cost thousands of dollars. What’s more, concrete structures require a good foundation to last through the years, so it pays to do them well. 

3. Demolition Of Interior Walls 

Before picking up that sledgehammer, call an expert. Nobody wants to take out a load-bearing wall, only to watch the entire second story collapse. While an open floor plan is nice, major repairs aren’t. 

4. Garage Door Coil Replacement 

Replacing the coil of your garage door seems simple enough, right? Unfortunately, it can become a major project. When done wrong, it can also lead to your garage door crashing down onto your car. Today, even seasoned handymen acknowledge that garage door coil replacement is difficult, so it’s smart to call in the professionals when your garage door needs repair.  

5. Attic Fan Installation 

For an attic fan to work efficiently, it usually needs to vent through the roof. Unfortunately, however, cutting a hole in your roof isn’t something you should take lightly.  Contact a local expert and let a professional team handle this task. 

6. HVAC Repair 

Almost all residential HVAC systems have electrical circuits that need to be correctly installed. Everything that deals with electrical repair or installation should be handled by trained professionals.

When addressed by someone inexperienced, injury, fire damage or electrical shock may occur. In fact, faulty electrical wiring and installation are some of the primary causes of home fires. 

If You’re Unsure, Seek Help With Home Repairs 

We all want the best for our home. Homeowners now see home improvement as a hobby, but it can be dangerous and complex. If you’re not sure you can handle the job, do the right thing and contact a professional to take care of it for you. Not only will you prevent accidents, but it will also allow you to sit back and relax while your project is handled by the professionals.