Rental Agreement Must-Knows

Living Renting

So you have finally found your perfect rental home. You probably can’t wait to move in and host an epic party to celebrate the occasion. However, before mailing those invitations, you should take care of arguably the most important business – signing the rental agreement. Although it might seem like a formality, it is crucial to carefully inspect and revise the contract in order to avoid any miscommunication and legal trouble. If you aren’t sure what to look for in this legally binding document, these rental agreement must-knows will save you tons of time and effort.


Rental Agreement Must-Knows Before Signing


Put It In Writing

Landlords usually use standard rental agreements. It is in your best interest to discuss what you expect to be in writing prior to reviewing and signing your agreement.

Make sure that your landlord includes everything that you have settled by word of mouth.

This will help you avoid miscommunication and will put you in a safe legal position.


Read the Terms and Conditions

A Rental agreement is a legally binding document, so you should take the time to read it carefully before signing.

When your landlord hands you the draft, don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications whenever you feel confused about any specialized words or phrases used in the text.

Furthermore, pay extra attention to the rules you must follow – noise restrictions, pet policies, etc.

Also, if anything of what you have orally agreed upon is missing in the agreement, don’t hesitate to ask your landlord to edit it. You have the right to require a flawless agreement.


Make a Checklist

Before signing your rental agreement, make a list of all crucial rental terms and double-check the agreement. These include:

  • Personal information
  • Dates
  • Rent price
  • Payment due dates
  • Additional storage space
  • Parking
  • Policies


Be Informed About Details

No matter how much time it takes, don’t rush into signing. Instead, feel comfortable to ask your landlord any questions regarding your future accommodation.

From contact person for maintenance problems to security and renewal options – it is important that you are well-informed when you enter the agreement.


Be Calm and Patient

Yes, the whole process of signing your rental agreement can take longer than you hoped for.

However, you should see this as a chance to correct any omissions and build a positive and trustful relationship with your landlord.

After all, a precise document benefits both sides of the agreement.


Rental Agreement Must-Knows Work in Your Best Interest


Now that you know what to keep your eyes open about, let yourself get excited about your new home.

Although going back and forth on your agreement with your landlord may not be the time of your life, remember that it gets you closer to your ultimate goal. It will certainly help you enjoy the whole process a lot more.